Study on Composition and Processing of C/ C Composite Brake Disc with Random Fiber Preform C/C刹车盘用短纤维预制体组成及工艺研究
According to the organization and the composition fetures of maneuverable c^ 4i system, some detail EMC design are given in this article, it is the useful trying for the practice emc. 针对机动式指挥自动化系统的结构和组成特点,给出了一些具体的电磁干扰抑制设计,对满足实际的电磁兼容性方面作出了有意义的尝试。
Effect of improving soil fertility by organic materials on the composition, C, N distribution and activity of microaggregates 土壤有机培肥对微团聚体组成及其碳、氮分布和活性的影响
Determination of Composition and Thickness of C+ TiO_2 Films by X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy Method 用X射线荧光光谱法测定玻璃基材上C+TiO2薄膜的组分和厚度
Effect of overall pressure on particle size, pyrolysis time, chemical composition of Si/ C/ N powders synthesized through chemical vapor deposition was studied by means of IR, SEM and elemental analysis. 采用TEM、化学分析和红外吸收光谱等手段,研究了气相裂解制备Si/C/N纳米微粉的过程中反应炉管内压力对先驱体的裂解时间、微粉的粒径大小和化学组成的影响。
The paper describes function and composition of the sea zone C 3I simulation system, and the general situation of simulation model. It also introduces the future application of the technology. 阐述了海上区域C3I仿真系统的功能、组成和仿真模型的概况,并说明了其推广应用前景。
Modifying steel composition, e.g. lowering C, raising Mn and adjusting Si and controlling hot working process, leads to reduce fenite grain size and pearlite colony size, dilute pearlite and change pearlite-cementite morphology and size. 配合以钢的其他成分调整,如降碳、增锰、调硅及钢的热加工工艺控制,细化了铁素体晶粒和珠光体团,稀释了珠光体,改变了珠光体一渗碳体形貌和尺寸。
Design of Remote Monitor System Based on the Mixed Composition of C/ S and B/ S C/S与B/S混合架构的远程监视系统设计
In simile structure "A Like B, C" form, different composition of "C", different its function. 在比喻的A像B、C格式中,C的构成成分不同,其作用也不同。
Study of options and mechanism was carried out through cooperation with related domestic units by means of advantage complementation. Based on the theory and experiments, the optimal composition of doped graphite and C/ C composite with high strength, high thermal conductivity and low sputtering yield. 对方案和机理的研究,在国内相关单位采取优势互补的方法进行合作,基于理论和实验,得出了高强度、高热导、低溅射掺杂石墨和碳碳(CC)复合材料的最佳配方;
In order to improving toughness of Med-Mn white cast iron and widen its application, the effects of the chemical composition ( C, Si, Mn), compound inoculation and heat treatment on its microstrueture and properties have been investigated in this paper. 为改善中锰白口铸铁的韧性以扩大其应用范围,本文探讨了C,Si,Mn等合金元素、变质处理和热处理工艺对中Mn白口铸铁组织和性能的影响。
The effects of improving soil fertility by organic materials ( ISFOM) on the composition, C, N distribution and activity of microaggregates were studied with field experiments in Brown earth and Black soil. 本文通过田间试验研究了土壤有机培肥(ISFOM)对棕壤和黑土微团聚体组成及其碳、氮分布和活性的影响。
Analysis of amino acids composition of c phycocyanin was conducted. 测定了藻蓝蛋白的氨基酸组成和含量。
Comprehension to composition class in C++ and its applications 对C++类组合的理解及使用实例
Data fusion is the important composition part of modern C~ 3I system. 数据融合是现代军事C3I系统的重要组成部分。
The major issues for controlling the composition of BGD steel were C content, S content and [ Al] S content. 本钢BGD钢的成分控制难点是钢中的碳含量、硫含量和[Al]S含量。
Studies on the factors such as particles sizes of raw materials 、 mineral composition and reactive temperature 、 C/ S 、 water/ solid 、 hydrothermal synthetic schedule 、 water glass and additive etc are systematically carried out. 就原料的粒度、矿物成分及反应温度、C/S、水/固、水热反应制度、水玻璃及助剂等因素,进行了系统的研究。
Carbon and oxygen isotopic composition(δ 13 C and δ 18 O) shows that the carbon not only derived from depth source but also sedimentary country rock. Obviously, it is a mixture source. 碳、氧同位素(δ13C和δ18O)组成表明,既有沉积围岩中的碳,也有深部来源的碳,具有混合来源特征。
Influence of austempering heat treatment parameters on the mechanical properties of cast steel ( chemical composition is 0.40% C, 1.2% Si, 1.1% Mn, 0.9% Cr, all in wt%) was investigation. 研究了奥氏体化温度、等温淬火工艺参数对化学成分(wt%)为0.40%C,1.2%Si,1.1%Mn,0.9%Cr中碳低合金铸钢力学性能的影响。
The studying result points out that through mechanical alloying method, with a certain composition of Fe C Ti alloy, the iron base super saturated dissolved solid can be obtained. Through the vacuum heat treatment, the spreaded strengthened iron base alloy is then prepared. 结果指出,一定成分的Fe-C-Ti合金可以通过机械合金化法得到铁基过饱和固溶体,将其进行真空热处理,可制得TiC弥散强化的铁基合金;
Minor samples have the same Pb isotopic composition as C component defined by Hanan& Graham, whereas most of the samples are without C component, suggesting lithospheric materials besides mantle plume. 结果表明,少数样品的Pb同位素与Hanan和Graham定义的C组分相似,而大多数样品则不在C组分范围之内,说明除地幔柱物质外,有岩石圈物质的加入。
The quick decomposition and composition programme are completed by using C++ language. 使用C++语言对小波快速分解和快速重构算法实现了计算机编程。
Chemical composition of low C and N and high Al, HR temperature system for low-temperature tapping and high-temperature coiling, and a better ageing treatment should be adopted. 应采用低C、N含量和高Al的化学成分,采用低温出炉、高温卷取的热轧温度制度及更优的过时效处理。
The chemical composition of C-S-H gel was analyzed by energy-dispersive X-ray analysis ( EDXA). 分析,G.用能谱分析(EDXA)测定了c-s-H凝胶的化学组成。
After annealing at 800 ℃, the composition of C in the film decreased to 0, that of Ge decreased to about 20%, and the composition of the film was uniform. 经过800℃下退火20min的样品中C含量基本为0,Ge相对含量下降至约20%左右,且薄膜的组分比较均匀。
The C, O isotope composition of calcite indicates that C possibly originated from the deep magma, and water-rock reaction is the main factor of hydrothermal depositing. 方解石碳氧同位素组成表明。成矿的碳质可能主要为深部岩浆来源,水-岩相互作用是热液方解石沉淀的主要因素。